Soil conditioning source of Phosphate

slow-release phosphate aimed at neutral to acid soils. with Ferteos technology to enhance mineralisation of organic N & P, control N availability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by enhancing efficiency.

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Expectations & Benefits

  • Ferteos Technology
    Stimulates soil biology to mineralise OM releasing N & P increases Nodulation in Legumes reduces N-losses by controlling the N-cycle
  • Soft-rock Phosphate
    natural rock phosphate releases nutrient slowly over growing season
  • Calcimer
    Marine calcium, with trace elements and rapid pH buffering capacity
  • Organic certification
    fully approved by the UK Soil Association for use in organic farming


Big bag 600 kg


This product is certified for use on organic farms with Organic Farmers and Growers (OF&G) under CCE Nr. 834/2007.