Sulfammo TOP-PHOS 21-15
Enhanced controlled-release Nitrogen with readily available Phosphate and Sulphur
Provides Enhanced N-Process NitrogenProtected and readily available Phosphorus with Sulphur
Main crops
Fodder Beet
Forage Crop
Forage Maize
Oil Seed Crops
Our TOP-PHOS 23 provides a protected, water-soluble source of Phosphorus which is readily available and releases on demand for a growing crop, allowing improved yield. This proven technology optimises plant root development, tillering, photosynthesis and plant respiration. Phosphate provides energy in the form of ATP for optimal plant processes, increasing resistance to plant diseases.
This effective fertiliser provides sulphur to increase crop yield and quality. This essential nutrient improves nitrogen uptake, whilst boosting protein and dry matter content in the crop. Clover content in grassland swards is also increased. Sulphur is important for healthy metabolism and optimal function of ruminal bacteria within livestock.
Enhanced controlled-release Nitrogen with readily available Phosphate and Sulphur
Provides Enhanced N-Process NitrogenBasic fertiliser for acidic to neutral soils
PhysioPro Improves Root DevelopmentP-K Soil conditioner with reactive rock phosphate, potash and Minactiv technology
Minactiv Technology Improves Soil FertilitySoil conditioning source of Phosphate with unique Ferteos technology
Ferteos Technology Optimises Soil FertilityWe offer farmers personalised solutions that are supported by a technical consultation service.