Spadea RUMEN Granules
Microgranular rumen buffer with probiotic yeast
Rumen Core Buffers the Rumen to Balance pH LevelsMicrogranule supplement to maximise nutrient absorption, immunity and fertility
Main species
Proven technology within Spadea FIX'N Granules provides enhanced buffering for the rumen. Sustainable marine Calcium combined with Magnesium and Sodium Bicarb are included for rapid and long-lasting pH balance within the digestive system.
FIX'N is a technology exclusive to TIMAC AGRO and is 100% natural. FIX'N acts as a soluble nitrogen (N) sponge, absorbing excess N from the diet and releasing it back slowly within the body, when it is utilised to make protein. This enhances dietary efficiency and reduces risks to fertility and health.
Microgranular rumen buffer with probiotic yeast
Rumen Core Buffers the Rumen to Balance pH LevelsRumen-enhancing block for high-fibre or acidogenic diets
Digest Core Improves Breakdown and Digestion of FoodBlock for turnout and high-protein grass utilisation
FIX'N Technology Maximises Nutrient Use in LivestockWe offer farmers personalised solutions that are supported by a technical consultation service.