Animal Nutrition, Health and Welfare

For all your Animal Nutritional, Health and Welfare needs

You can download our animal nutrition, health and welfare product catalogue here.

At Timac Agro UK, we provide tailored solutions for animal nutrition, health and welfare.

There are two product ranges available for improving animal health, welfare and providing nutritional complementation.


– Actisan360 is a 3-in-1 bedding sanitiser offering a drier bedding & reduced emissions

– Actipost is a powder which aims to prevent crust formation, reduce odours and improve nutrient content of slurry & solid manure.


The Block range provides mineral complementation for livestock diets. Our mineral blocks are individually formulated for specific situations e.g. calving, turn-out, lambing, dietary changes. Each one helps to improve rumen activity, digestion efficiency, immunity and fertility.