Wiltshire College Dairy Trials Highlight Value of Bedding Sanitiser

Wiltshire College’s dairy unit at its Lackham Campus has seen improvements in cow comfort and supporting of exceptionally low mastitis instances since introducing a new bedding sanitiser to the system.


Bedding Sanitiser, Actisan 360, improving cow comfort and health at Lackham Campus Dairy Unit (Wiltshire College)


In seeking a more holistic approach to mastitis prevention for the college’s 200-head Friesian-Holstein herd, Richard Ingram, dairy farm manager at Wiltshire College, reconsidered bedding management practices, alongside robotic milking, last winter.

Mr Ingram says: “We’d previously been using lime bedding but wanted to explore a gentler alternative that’d still do the job in sanitising our sawdust cubicles.”

Damp bedding is a major risk factor for mastitis, so reducing moisture content, while creating a slightly acidic environment, unfavourable for harmful strains of bacteria to multiply, supports the establishment and growth of good bacteria.


Actisan 360, bedding sanitiser from Timac Agro UK, in use in Wiltshire.


“Strains of bacteria which commonly cause mastitis to thrive in more alkaline conditions whereas good bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, can thrive in more acidic conditions. This can be cultivated by using the right bedding sanitiser,” he says.

Research has shown that several of these species can act as an alternative antibiotic-free mastitis treatment.

Mr Ingram came across Actisan 360 from Timac Agro UK, a disinfectant-free drying agent, with the ability to absorb three times its own weight in moisture.

“It’s gentle on their skin and teats, so there isn’t a risk of skin lesions forming after prolonged contact,” he says.

“We have 130 students studying agriculture at the college and they undertake the day-to-day husbandry of the units. It’s reassuring knowing it’s also safe for them to use daily.”

Matt Bell, business development manager at Timac Agro UK, encourages farmers to consider adding bedding sanitiser as part of a holistic mastitis control strategy, as we head into winter housing.



He says: “Mastitis control and prevention requires a multifaceted approach, so it’s essential to incorporate protocols that cover all aspects of the farm and herd.

“Farmers should consider housing environment, heifer management, teat hygiene in and out of the parlour, and record all mastitis cases in the herd.

“While bedding sanitisation is a key element of this prevention strategy, the greatest success will come as part of an integrated holistic programme.”

For further information or advice, please contact Matt via email: matthew.bell@uk.timacagro.com