Like the weather, your livestock’s mineral and trace element requirements change almost daily, with age, production level and stresses like weather and illness, all affecting how much they need.
And also like the weather, the mineral and trace element content of your forage, be that grazed grass or silage can change frequently, or sometimes doesn’t meet your livestock’s demand.

What’s Calseagrit Iotech?
Calseagrit is calcified seaweed. It’s 100% natural and contains 32 trace elements. Also, it’s a pH buffer, which means Calseagrit improves forage digestibility by promoting the right conditions for rumen micro-flora to flourish. Healthy rumen bugs ensure healthy stock.
Iotech comes from brown algae and is also 100% natural. It’s rich in energy and protein which also helps optimise rumen bacterial activity, which improves absorption and availability of the minerals and trace elements from the blocks and other feed.
Together these technologies work to provide bed and board for Rumen bacteria, optimising feed utilisation and setting Calsea Blocks apart from other supplements.
What’s so great about Anti-oxidants?
Naturally found in grapes, anti-oxidants support cells during times of high stress, like calving and weaning, and helps them to recover quicker.
Why Salt-Based?
Unlike molassed mineral buckets or blocks, livestock will self-regulate their intakes of a salt-based mineral block – only taking what their body tells them they need.
We recommend that a cow consumes 60g/day and a sheep 10g/day of our Calseanature blocks, compared to molassed blocks that recommend 150-250g/cow and 40-60g/ewe.
Our blocks are 93% ash, which means 93% minerals… which is a huge leap from regular molassed mineral blocks at 30-40% ash. More minerals for your money!
How do I feed them?
For every 12 blocks purchased, we provide our farmers with a metal
or plastic holder, which for cattle can be mounted on buildings or fence posts, or ground-based for sheep and moved paddock to paddock.

Certified by OF&G
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